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Monday, July 8, 2024

Google AI: Patchscopes for LLM Explanations

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Google’s Patchscopes unlock the “black box” of Large Language Models (LLMs) by generating human-readable explanations of their reasoning and decision-making.

Google AI recently released Patchscopes to address the challenge of understanding and interpreting the inner workings of Large Language Models (LLMs), such as those based on autoregressive transformer architectures. These models have seen remarkable advancements, but their transparency and reliability limitations remain. There are flaws in the reasoning and no clear understanding of how these models make their predictions, which shows that we need tools and frameworks to better understand how they work.

Current methods for interpreting LLMs often involve complex techniques that may need to provide more intuitive and human-understandable explanations of the models’ internal representations. The proposed method, Patchscopes, addresses this limitation by using LLMs to generate natural language explanations of their hidden representations. Unlike previous methods, Patchscopes unifies and extends a broad range of existing interpretability techniques, enabling insights into how LLMs process information and arrive at their predictions. By providing human-understandable explanations, Patchscopes enhances transparency and control over LLM behavior, facilitating better comprehension and addressing concerns related to their reliability.

Patchscopes inject hidden LLM representations into target prompts and process the added input to create explanations that humans can understand of how the model understands things internally. For example, in co-reference resolution, Patchscopes can reveal how an LLM understands pronouns like “it” within specific contexts. Patchscopes can shed light on the progression of information processing and reasoning within the model by examining hidden representations located at various model layers. The results of the experiments demonstrate that Patchscopes is effective in various tasks, including next-token prediction, fact extraction, entity explanation, and error correction. These results have demonstrated the versatility and performance of Patchscopes across a wide range of interpretability tasks.

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In conclusion, Patchscopes proved to be a significant step forward in understanding the inner workings of LLMs. By leveraging the models’ language abilities to provide intuitive explanations of their hidden representations, Patchscopes enhances transparency and control over LLM behavior. The framework’s versatility and effectiveness in various interpretability tasks and its potential to address LLM reliability and transparency concerns make it a promising tool for researchers and practitioners working with large language models.

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